'Measure natural capital, so we don't go beyond safe operating space'

Many estimates of species extinction are alarmist - aren't there millions of undiscovered species still?
Our understanding of actual extinction rates is not perfect. We know that 20% of mammals are threatened. We're probably looking at one-fifth of all species as being threatened. Ecosystem evaluations do tend to focus on large, charismatic species, not on small creatures that run the world. If we want sustainable agriculture, waste decomposition and oxygen in the atmos-phere, it is these small creatures we need to conserve. Even fungi are essential for things like wine and chocolate. But no one considers them because they're less visible. Smaller species, especially invertebrates, seem to have 20% extinction - but we don't know this for sure.
You state the rate of decline in major natural systems is linked to our own survival. Hence, quantification of value versus dec-line is essential. But can one assign quantifiable value to natural systems undergoing diverse and complex changes?
We've come up with ballpark figures to give a fair idea of what this is about. Take the seafood industry - it's worth $200 billion per annum. However, trying to value something like coral reefs is more complicated. It would include marine, cultural and genetic aspects as well as value in shoreline protection and ecotourism. We could try to figure out the relationship between that stock and value...many things cannot be quantified - but many can. The cost of deforestation worldwide could be as high as $4.5 trillion. The value of wetlands has been computed as $70 billion and the value of the seafood industry is $200 billion. This gives us an idea to work outcost-benefit analysis.
We need to measure natural capital, so we don't go beyond safe operating space. There are communities around the world that depend on fish for their primary source of protein. If they manage fisheries sustainably, the fish will continue for hundreds of years. But they're left with nothing because of over-exploitation. These are not just ecosystems there-fore but survival ecosystems, especially for the poorest.
Would you argue then that all commercial activity must cease?
No. It's about sustainable use. East Africa has very important mangroves. We're also finding oil there. So there's interest in building large harbours to export oil. But mangroves are getting endangered. If we build infrastructure destroying mangroves, fish zones will collapse. Those dependent on fish will suffer. If we go ahead with these initiatives - we did a cost-benefit analysis - then we have to make sure these do not affect natural capital or have minimal effect.
Finally, your research makes a special plea for oceans - why?
When oceans become more acidic, there's calcium loss. This affects many species. Oceans also provide food and oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. If the regulatory mecha-nism is thrown off-balance with uncontrolled warming, we could face major crisis. If you've been given a million dollars, you can either live off the interest you get on investment or blow up the principal. The ocean is huge capital - are we investing it or are we simply blowing it up?
We need to switch to more sustainable systems where growth may not be very high but will be sustainable.

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