NEW DELHI: It's a case of national security versus one rare endangered bird and some absurdity. The Indian Coast Guard wants to set up a radar installation and a diesel power generation station on Narcondum - the eastern most island of the Andaman and Nicobar Island group. The island is the only home for the endangered Narcondum Hornbill of which only about 300 remain.
Caught in this debate, which is getting shrill as conservationists cite this as a test case, is the environment ministry which has to take a final call on whether to allow the defence installation at the cost of the bird or not.
The discussions recently came up in the standing committee of the National Board of Wildlife, which has several non-government conservation experts with the environment minister as head and several other officials as members. The bird being an endangered animal is put on Schedule I of the Wildlife Protection Act which provides the highest level of legal protection to the bird and its habitat. The island is also a declared wildlife sanctuary - legally no other activity can be undertaken there.
The non-government members objected whole-heartedly to the defence installation after one of the experts on board presented a report to the standing committee warning against the project which includes building a road and additional presence for manning the post. At the moment, there is only a police outpost on the island.
The bird is definitely not a charismatic big mammal such as the tiger or elephant, which attracts the biggest bucks in conservation and tourism. But it has certainly become a new symbol for conservation groups which believe that this would be a test case for how much priority the government gives to its own green regulations.
For environment minister Jayanthi Natarajan, who will have to override the objections of the experts if she wants to give a nod to the defence installation, it's a piquant position. Its become an argument of whether this can be made an exception in the name of national security - a line easy to sell as well.
The conservationists warn that the Indian Coast Guard has shown little flexibility or studied alternatives. The so-called win-win voice of some politicians has only added to the cacophony with proposals such as relocating and rehabilitating the Narcondum Hornbill on another island - a fate tribals have faced often in the name of conservation.
The final word on the debate is yet to be written on government files as the conservation campaign picks up steam.
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