Birdwatchers spot one nearly extinct, 4 endangered species

Birdwatchers spot one nearly extinct, 4 endangered species
MUMBAI: The Salim Ali Bird Count, which was revived after almost 20 years, recorded over 15,000 observations by people across 22 states. A critically endangered and four endangered species were among the 514 species spotted on November 15.

The nationwide bird count was relaunched by the Bombay Natural History Society-India in association with the Bird Count India to commemorate the birth anniversary (November 12) of Dr Salim Ali, popularly known as the Bird Man of India.

Birdwatchers uploaded their observations on the eBird website. BNHS said 15,638 observations were recorded by 284 people. The observations were collated from 549 lists, as each individual had to prepare separate lists for each location covered. Of these, 383 were unique lists while others had multiple contributors. Maharashtra saw maximum participation.

Out of the 514 species spotted during the count, 30 were from the the IUCN Red List of Threatened Birds 2015. The White-rumped vulture was the only bird spotted from the critically endangered category , whereas four birds from the endangered category were spotted--Black-bellied Tern, Egyptian Vulture, Great Knot and Steppe Eagle.

"A total effort of 805 person-hours were utilized in bird watching. Since early morning is the best time for birding, over 284 people ventured out between 6am and 9am. Of these, 104 people continued till noon. Though evenings are also good for bird watching, enthusiasm faded through the day , with only 73 bird watchers participating at the fag end of the day ," said Atul Sathe, assistant director, Bombay Natural History Society.

Experts feel bird count activities will help study the impact of climate change. "If everyone contributes observations on citizen science forums like eBird, we will have a good understanding abou the temporal and spatial distribution of birds found in India. Slowly , we will ge an idea of the impact of climate change and other factors on birds in India," said Raju Kasambe, programme manager.

Bombay Natural History Society said its plans to scale up the initiative on the pan-India level. It will be held on the Sunday after November 12 every year.

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