Why Indians worship the mound of the much-hated termite
The misunderstood termite can teach many lessons to architects and fans of sustainable living.
Geetha Iyer
The Perumpanarruppatai,
a poetic work in Tamil from the Sangam period between 300 BCE and 100
CE, has a stanza that compares freshly sprouting rice grain with the
termites found in their mounds. These lines sprang to my mind when I
first saw the television commercial for Century Ply, a company that
manufactures plywoods – fat, padded termite bodies on the insides of a
kitchen cupboard. Living in a 175-year-old house made of mud and wood,
termites and cockroaches are a familiar sight. Every time I see ads for
insect repellents which tell the public how good their products are, I
marvel at how little humans know about the creatures we share space
Perish the thought that termites are fat or ugly. The only
fat, obese termite is the queen, when she is filled with eggs. The rank
and file of termites who feed, clean and take care of her, working to
expand the colony, are smart, lean and mean, despite the fact that
termites feed on a carbo-rich diet of wood, soil, grass, litter and even
animal dung. Concrete is no barrier either, a small crack is all they
need to start occupying space. The greatest secret to their success, is
their choice of food: they exploit an exclusive and abundant food
source, a biomolecule called lignocellulose, which no other creature,
not even other insects, can eat. Since lignocellulose does not degrade
easily, termites can access it from living plants and dead wood or soil
To consider termites plunderers is unfair. They are
the most important animals in a forest ecosystem, single-handedly
decomposing 40% to 100% of the decaying wood and thereby enriching the
soil. Subterranean termites, which are among the ones that bothers us
humans, serve us well too. As they tunnel through the soil, building
swarming tubes to forage for food, they increase the soil’s porosity,
facilitating greater percolation of water. Termites are known to dig as
deep as over 100 feet in search of water to maintain the humidity of
their mounds. As early as 500 CE, Indian astronomer Varahamihira wrote
in the Brihat-Samhita that termite mounds were indicators of ground water and mineral deposits. Not all termites build those iconic mounds. Many reside in
carton nests. Some are open-air processional column termites, foraging
on tree trunks or living off leaf litter and nesting on tree branches or
decaying roots. Carton or mounds – over a period of 55 million years of
existence – termites have learnt how to manage their constructions
efficiently, keeping them well ventilated and maintaining the
temperatures needed for their survival.
The open-air foragers
nest on tree branches or decaying roots. To avoid predation by ants and
other arthropods, termites squirt sticky fluids onto foraging surfaces.
Spiders or ants who venture too close get stuck and are also affected by
these chemicals. If they move, the workers will bite or hold them down,
until other termite-soldiers can come and spray some some more before
finishing them off. The squirting apparatus of the termite-soldier is
precise and efficient.
The carton nests of termites from the
sub-family, Nasutitermitinae, can be seen at the Kanyakumari wildlife
sanctuary. The Kani tribe feed these termites to their chickens. In the
desert ecosystem, termite species live on the dung of hoofed mammals,
besides feeding on leaf litter.
Every time the termite feeds or
builds, it modifies the habitat for the benefit of other organisms
including humans. This might explain why termite mounds, mistakenly
called ant hills, are worshipped – the clay from termite mounds was used
to build Vedic fire altars and included in the Rajasuya yagna performed
by kings. Termite soldiers guarding the nest. Credit: Geetha IyerWhat
makes termites so successful? Their food source, caste system and their
ability to produce large colonies. There is no realistic account of how
large a subterranean colony of termites can be because most data is
extrapolated from limited studies. A termite colony has a king and queen
who pair for life, mating repeatedly to build their vast empire. Other
social insects do not pair for life. Apart from workers and soldiers,
the colony also has secondary reproductives capable of laying eggs and
expanding their colony. Should the king or the queen die, the
secondaries step into their roles, yet another reason for the dominance
of termites. Sometimes even when the queen is active, the secondary
reproductives produce eggs. The colony prospers and humans despair.
or winged termites emerge during the monsoon to establish new colonies.
A tiny crack in the wall or floor is enough for them to enter an
underground world. Alates die if they do not find a mate. In rural India
they are gathered to be eaten, the fat, juicy termite queen in
particular, is considered nutritious and a delicacy. It is only the
alates who see well – the workers and soldiers are either blind or have
poor vision. The way termites communicate can help humans fine-tune
communication technology. If you watch a procession of termites in the
forest, you can actually hear them move – they do so by hitting their
head on the soil. The sound is so rhythmic, that in the silence of a
forest it sounds like a march-past. Termite alate. Credit: Geetha IyerTermites
process cellulose and lignin by the exclusive army of microbes found
nowhere but in the gut of a termite. Evolutionary scientists have hailed
the diversity of termite-gut microbes as a sterling example of
co-evolution. These microbes are acquired through a unique process
called anal trophallaxis – or anal to mouth feeding. Every time a
termite moults, it sheds its outer skin as well as its gut lining, where
the microbes reside. Newly moulted termites feed from the delicious
anal fluids secreted by other adult termites to re-inoculate their gut.
The workers must eat constantly, the soldiers cannot eat as their
mandibles (a pair of appendages near the mouth) are modified for
defence. They and the reproductive castes obtain their nutrients from
the workers through oral or anal trophallaxis.
Anal feeding is a
common practice in lower groups of termites. The more evolved ones from
the family Termitidae cultivate a variety of fungi in their nests. These
fungi grow on the faeces of the termite and in turn provide food for
them. Termites believe in sustainable living – they re-cycle or consume
everything from dead nest mates, moults to excreta. Faeces are used to
build quarantines, construct swarming and often gravity-defying
exploratory tubes. These tubes provide moisture for subterranean
termites when they forage outside their nests.
Termites have also
inspired African architect Mick Pearce – two buildings designed by him,
the Eastgate Centre in Harare, Zimbabwe, and the Council House in
Melbourne are a testimony to what one can learn from these tiny,
visually challenged yet fiendishly clever and socially adaptive insects.
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