idle thoughts during covid lockdown-WHY ROOSTERS CROW AT 3 AM


Scientists today can measure even the smallest changes in the Earth’s rotation thanks to a technique known as Very Long Baseline Interferometry. It relies on space telescopes located far apart on Earth’s surface attuned to signals from outer space. As the Earth spins, these signals come in and out of view. By comparing the time it takes for a signal to disappear and reappear, scientists can calculate with great precision how long it’s taken for the Earth to make a full rotation.

Though many factors affect the planet’s rotation, by far the most important and long-lasting is our natural satellite, the moon. For billions of years, the moon has been ever so gently tugging at the Earth and slowing down its rotation. The moon’s gravity is the reason those Neoproterozoic days were shorter than ours today; it is also why the days millions of years from now will be longer still.

The mechanism boils down to an exchange of energy between the Earth and moon. The moon’s gravitational pull creates a slight bump in the solid surface of the Earth, near to, but not exactly underneath where the moon is. The disparity between the bump’s position and the moon’s pull creates a torque on both the Earth and moon with the end result that the Earth slows down gradually. That rotational energy is transferred to the moon, which is moving away from the Earth ever so slowly, at a rate of about an inch and a half every year.

It’s a process that has been going on ever since the moon began circling the Earth. Some studies have attempted to look even further back in time, and one group of researchers estimates that 1.4 billion years ago a day was just 18.7 hours. At that time, the moon was likely some 27,000 miles closer to Earth than it is now, they say.


 So, are chickens dinosaurs? No – the birds are a distinct group of animals, but they did descend from the dinosaurs, and it's not too much of a twist of facts to call them modern dinosaurs. There are many similarities between the two types of animal, largely to do with bone structure.

 When did chickens evolve FROM DINOSAUR?

The Chicken is the Tyrannosaurs' closest living relative. Not only that but scientists now classify modern chickens as dinosaurs. Which means, chickens are dinosaurs. Below are 5 very interesting reasons why scientists are confident that the chicken is T.

When did chickens evolve FROM DINOSAUR?

The ancestor of all living birds lived sometime in the Late Cretaceous, and in the 65 million years since the extinction of the rest of the dinosaurs, this ancestral lineage diversified into the major groups of birds alive today.

The origin of birds - Understanding Evolution

65 million years ago how many hours in a day?

1.4 billion years ago a day was just 18.7 hours.

65 million years ago approc: 21 hours /day

 That will be today's 3 AM



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