Some rare plants facing extinction, some already vanished


PATNA: Even as Patna is fast turning into a jungle of concrete with the mushrooming multi-storied apartments and shopping malls, no serious attention is being paid to conserve the floral wealth of this ancient city. A good number of rare and beautiful species of plants have either become extinct or are facing extinction in the city.

Even Patli trees 

Patali Vruksham (Tree) at Sri Prudhweswara Swamy Temple at Nadakuduru

click and read:-Plant Myths and Traditions in India - Page 102 - Google Books Result
STERCOSPERMUM SUAVEOLENS Family Bignoniaceae Sanskrit & Hindi: Patali tree English : Bignonia This is a tall, deciduous tree and possesses large

Patali pricey as date trees disappear fast | The Daily Star
Feb 12, 2014 - A sales centre of patali gur (molasses made from date juice) at ... Date trees grow abundantly in this district due to favourable climate, said .
from which the city's ancient name "Patliputra" was derived are on the verge of extinction. At least four other plant species, namely Hyphaene Indic
 Your holiday is Diu - Life and style
Hokka trees (Hyphaene Indica) are branching palms that were brought to this part by the Portuguese who ruled here

Hyphaene indica - Hoka Tree Hyphaene indica Becc. - Hoka Tree
Madhuca Longifalia, 
 File:Madhuca longifolia var latifolia (Mahua) W IMG 0242.jpg
Didymocarpus Ladelicate [not found in species list!!]
and Tectona Grandis 
 File:Tree in new leaves (Tectona grandis) I IMG 8133.jpg
, have already vanished, according to botanists.

Patna University science faculty dean and botany department senior teacher U K Sinha said that a huge tree near A N Sinha Institute of Social Studies and two trees near Biscomaun Bhawan of Adansonia Digitata species (monkey-bread tree) 
 Adansonia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Adansonia digitata (Baobab, Dead-rat Tree, Monkey-bread Tree, Upside-down Tree)
3/13/2011 · Ntwetwe Pans, Gweta, Botswana · By Benjamin Winslow
Adansonia digitata (Baobab, Dead-rat Tree, Monkey-bread Tree, Upside-down Tree)
This is “Chapman’s Baobab”—a famous specimen believed to be 4200 years old. · 3/14/2011 · Ntwetwe Pans, Gweta, Botswana · By Benjamin Winslow
Adansonia digitata (Baobab, Dead-rat Tree, Monkey-bread Tree, Upside-down Tree)
7/15/1999 · Buffalo Springs, Kenya · By Constance B. Kent
Adansonia digitata (Baobab, Dead-rat Tree, Monkey-bread Tree, Upside-down Tree)
3/13/2011 · Ntwetwe Pans, Gweta, Botswana · By Benjamin Winslow
Range: Zones 10b-11:
existed more than 50 years back but they were cut down when the construction of these buildings started. These trees had swollen trunk containing water inside and travellers used to quench their thirst by boring the trunk. Two trees of the same species still exist in the city and need extensive care.

Guazama Tomentosa trees 
 Family Sterculiaceae
Guazuma tomentosa Kunth

Scientific names Common names
Guazuma tomentosa Kunth Guazuma (Engl.)
Guazuma tomentosa HBK Bastard cedar (Engl.)
Guazuma guazuma (L.) Cockerell Musket tree (Engl.)
Guazuma ulmifolia Lam. Pigeon wood (Engl.)
Theobroma tomentosa (HBK) Gomez  

Other vernacular names
BENGALI: Nipaltunth.
FRENCH : Bois de hêtre, Bois d´orme, Bois d'homme, Hêtre gris, Hêtre orme (Eastern Caribbean), Hêtre vert, Mahot-baba (Eastern Caribbean), Mahot-hêtre (Eastern Caribbean), Mahot-hetre, Orme d'amérique.
GUJARATI: Bhadraksha, Khoto rudraksha.
HINDI: Rudraksha.
JAPANESE: Guazuma, Guazuma urumiforia, Nireba guazuma, Teoburaama guazuma.
KANNADA: Rudrakshi.
MALAYALAM: Rudraksham.
MARATHI: Rudrakshi.
PORTUGUESE: Araticum-bravo, Buxuma, Cabeça-de-negro, Camacan, Cambá-aça, Embira (Brazil), Embireira, Embiru, Enveira du campo, Fruta-de-macaco, Guaxima-macho, Guaxima-torcida, Mutamba, Mutamba, Mutamba-verdadeira, Mutambo, Mutambu, Pau-de-bicho, Pau-de-montanha, Pau-de-pomba, Periquiteira, Piriquiteira, Pojó.
SANSKRIT: Rudraksha.
SPANISH: Guacima, Ajilla, Ajya, Aquiche, Bacedar, Bolaina, Bolaina negra, Cabeza de Negro, Cablote, Caca de mico, Cambo-aca, Caulote, Chicharron, Coco, Contamal, Cualote, Guacima, Guácima, Guácimo blanco, Guácimo cimarrón, Guácimo de ternero, Guácimo dulce, Guazima, Guazuma, Majagua de toro, Nocuana-yana, Papayillo, Parandesicua, Tablote, Tapaculo, Vácima, Yaco granidillo, Yaco de venado..
TAMIL: Rudrasam, Tenbachai, Thenmaram, Tubakki, Tuppakki maram.
TELUGU: Bhadraksha, Rudraksha.

Guazuma is a tree growing to a height of 10 or more meters. Leaves are oblong to broadly ovate, 4 to 16 centimeters long, with pointed tip, rounded to heart-shaped base, and toothed margins. Flowers are small, yellowish-green or whitish, sweet-scented, and borne in axillary cymes. Fruit is a woody capsule, nearly spherical or oval, 2 to 4 centimeters long, covered with black tubercles resembling those of a mulberry, and imperfectly 5-valvate at the apex. Seeds are numerous in each cell.
- Recently introduced into the Philippines.
- Garden cultivation.

- Study yielded proanthocyanidins.
- Roots yielded a new dicoumarol, 3,3'-methylenebis(4,6-dihydroxycoumarin) along with known metabolites β-sitosteryl stearate, n-tetracosanoic acid, friedelin, friedel-1-en-3-one, β-sitosterol, 29-norcycloartanol, oleanolic acid, 3-O-acetyloleanolic acid, 6-methoxy-7,8-methylenedioxy coumarin, and methyl-3-acetyloleanolate.

- Bark is considered emollient, sudorific and astringent.
- Fruit is considered pectorant.

Parts used
Bark, fruit and other plant parts.


- Seeds are edible, fresh or cooked.
- In some parts of India, capsules reportedly eaten as famine food.
- Bark and other plant parts used for malaria,
cutaneous and syphilitic affections, elephantiasis, afflictions of the chest and leprosy.
- In Martinique, infusion of the old bark is considered sudorific and used for chest and cutaneous diseases.
- In the West Indies, the inner bark is used for elephantiasis; also as a sudorific.
- In the Antilles, the bark is mucilaginous and used for astringent applications.
- Fruit is considered pectorant and used for bronchitis.
- Beverage of crushed seeds soaked in water used for diarrhea, dysentery, cold, coughs, contusions and venereal disease. Also, used as diuretic.
- Used as topical remedy for hair loss and baldness.
- Reported use by Latino healers in NYC for uterine fibroids.
Fodder: In many countries, an important source of livestock fodder.
Wood: Used for posts, general carpentry, light construction and charcoal.
Tough, fibrous bark and young stems used for making rope and twine.

In a study in hyperglycemic rabbits of 28 medicinal plants, eight - including Guazuma ulmifolia - significantly decreased the hyperglycemic peak and/or the area under the glucose tolerance curve. (3)
Radical Scavenging / Anti-Inflammatory / Gastroprotective: Study evaluated the gastroprotective effects of an aqueous suspension of an ethanolic extract of leaves and flowers of G ulmifolia in a diclofenac-induced acute gastric ulcer model. Pretreatment with GU or omeprazole decreased the ulcerated area in a dose-dependent manner. Results conclude the aerial parts of GU protect gastric mucosa from the injurious effects of NSAIDS mainly by anti-inflammatory and radical-scavenging mechanisms
. (4)
Antibacterial: A study evaluated 21 extracts from 7 herbal drugs, including G ulmifolia bar, for their antibacterial properties against E coli, P aeruginosa, S aureus and E faecalis. Almost all the extracts were able to inhibit growth of one or more bacterial strains, except that of E faecalis. (5)
Proanthocyanidins: Proanthocyanidins from the bark has been shown to inhibit the activity of cholera toxin. (6)
Hypotensive / Vasorelaxant: Study investigated the in vivo and in vitro cardiovascular activity of a procyanidin fraction (PCF) from the acetone extract of G ulmifolia. Results conclude that G ulmifolia bark possesses long-lasting antihypertensive and vaso-relaxing properties linked to endothelium-related factors where nitric oxide is involved. (7)

Seeds, powders, teas, tinctures in the cybermarket.
having blur flowers secretes spirit gulacum which has great medicinal value. A few trees of this species, closely resembling the Kamini tree,

Murraya Paniculata (Angarakana Gida) (Kamini). Evergreen shrub bearing deep glossy leaves. Handsome looking when in blossom bearing large clusters of white sweet fragrant flowers. Looks stunning when trained to grow as a tree

 existed near the place where a posh hotel is now located near Gandhi Maidan.

Only one or two trees of Heterophragma
  species exist in Patna today. This tree is used mainly for building purposes. Spathodea Companulata trees,
 which are almost extinct now, were also used for building purposes. The flowers of Dolichandrone Falcate (brought from the Western Ghats) resemble those of Dhatura.

The city had a rich variety of trees, both long and small, in some cases extending more than 100 feet in height. Most of them were of the flowering kind. But, in recent times, most of them have vanished. The most common trees found in the city today are neem, peepal, mango, and lebendrum which form over 50% of the total tree population, Sinha said.

Two decades ago, the Patna University botany department had its botanical garden at Saidpur complex, which contained several varieties of rare plants. But, unfortunately, it has turned into a playing ground today, thanks to the reported indifference of the authorities concerned.

Of late, the state government has initiated steps to keep Patna green through an intensive tree plantation drive and by setting up parks in different localities. A new park, named as Eco Park, has been developed near Secretariat, which is a sprawling lush green area.

The Sanjay Gandhi Biological Park currently contains more than 300 species of trees, herbs and shrubs. Plant exhibits include a nursery for medicinal plants, an orchid house, a fern house, a glass house, and a rose garden. It has recently added a number of rare and beautiful plants. These  (Adansonia Digitata),:-
 that grows up to a height of 98 feet, 'Queensland Umbrella' (Schefflera Actinophylla) :-
, that grows up to 49 feet and produces up to 1,000 flowers, 'White Shaving Brush :-Tree:-' (Pseudobombax Ellipticum 'Alba'),

 'Brownea' and 'Oroxylum Indium'.

Oroxylum indicum

Shaheed Veer Kunwar Singh Azadi Park, which was earlier known as Hardinge Park, is being developed as an international standard park with the provision of all the modern amenities and by enriching its floral wealth. Taru Mitra, a voluntary organization, has also set up a "bio-reserve" in Patna in a plot of land gifted to them by the Patna Jesuits. More than 400 species of rare and vanishing trees have been planted and the place looks like a thick rainforest.

1 comment:

  1. What is the Botanical name of Tree Patli mentioned in this article?
